Monday, April 27, 2009

All the faults of the world...

i logged on today to find a plethora of half-finished posts which blogger lovingly saves for my own private perusal. the number of months that have passed is a bit ridiculous, so this is only a partial update.
most importantly, gabe arrived (just over two weeks ago!) and he's absolutely beautiful. e & m are settling into home with lots of family around to help ease the transition. i can't wait to meet him.
the house has been quiet this week and i've fallen into a bit of a funk. i'm blaming the gloomy weather- quite the anomaly for early summer in the 505. i love the chill and the clouds, but it makes me lazy and contemplative. my fourth year is officially over. i'm losing a classmate and friend, which keeps the hope alive that some day i might have three extra letters to tag-along after my name. it also reminds me of so many other transitions- how we master the art of entwining our lives with the lives of others and eventually have to disentangle. i'm missing my family and missing home.
on a happier note, the garden is shaping up quite nicely. i've been eating salad twice a day- the lettuce and kale are going crazy! counting down the days until we have fresh tomatoes.
recent obsessions: soy yogurt with fresh fruit, In Treatment, costa rica travel websites, Gang Gang Dance

Winston, I'm sorry. There's no word from Washington.
You can see all the faults of the world outside your window.
"Clementine's gone off to bed. Sir, I'll see you in the morning."
Winston I'm sorry, I don't know where Franklin's gone.
On the evening radio, with his hand to God, he said, "I knew it all along." Then when he and I talked, he said, "Tell me what you think of the world, would you now?"

It's important that we meet now, there isn't enough to go home. "I beg your pardon if you woke up feeling sorry," I said.
"There isn't enough to go now." I saw you smile with your people when you got off board. Oh, we're in a puzzle now.
-Bound Stems