For two months, I spent more hours than I care to reveal trawling through this. Seriously, xkcd- too close to my reality for comfort. Although the new casa is likely Minotaur-free, I have never been more excited to cease and desist frequent craigslist use. Paying the deposit on Wednesday, I felt an intense and immediate sense of relief- none of the usual anxiety that haunts me post-big decisions... Which is remarkable, considering the place is unfinished, a work in progress. I've committed to living there without seeing the end product- feels a bit like I've slipped a quarter into one of those grocery store vending machines, and now I wait to see what prize falls in my lap. I'm counting down the days until I leave this uncomfortably tenuous residence for a place that feels safe and inviting- repairing my sense of self by reconstructing my idea of home.
I'm no soothsayer
I don't speak in tongues
I don't say these things
To make you run, run, run
A parliament of owls
Had seen this coming
Took you for a field mouse
When they spied you running
Crying save me
From the fires
That I have lit
Oh, it was exciting
But it stung like a whip...
-The Lovely Sparrows
I'm no soothsayer
I don't speak in tongues
I don't say these things
To make you run, run, run
A parliament of owls
Had seen this coming
Took you for a field mouse
When they spied you running
Crying save me
From the fires
That I have lit
Oh, it was exciting
But it stung like a whip...
-The Lovely Sparrows